Standing Bears Installation at Ship in the Woods

Standing Bears - Interactive Installation

Multi-Sensorial Installation. Three eight-foot, Wire Bears. Bear sounds, Children laughing, Sensors, Light


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Ship in the Woods, Escondido, CA


June 2016

Supple Suggestions – Robert Pincus – Culture Buzz

Experimental Drawing at Mesa College

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From the ArtPulse article by Robert Pincus:

“Making you aware of yourself in a state of perceiving has become a perennial preoccupation in recent art. Still, it can be freshly executed, as Curtis Bracher illustrates in Banquet. Fragmented table scenes, drawn in a calligraphic style, are hung in an asymmetrical fashion on a large expanse of one wall. Each is covered in an LCD Prism Screen that gently distorts the drawn image when looked at straight on and obliterates it when viewed from an angle. Bracher makes this process of absorption genuinely appealing….”


Mesa College Art Gallery

"Lure" Show at Mesa College Gallery


Feb 2014

San Diego CityBeat Article on "Banquet" in Lure Show

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Artist cuts away his work for ‘Lure,’ opening at San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery on Feb. 6

By Kinsee Morlan

Recently, artist Curtis Bracher posted an intriguing question on Facebook.

“Oooooh,” he wrote. “To cut or not to cut?”

Along with the post were photos of “Banquet,” a gorgeous, large-scale black-ink-on-Mylar piece depicting a table packed with food and drinks. It’s one of his two installations in Lure, a group exhibition opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, at San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery (7250 Mesa College Drive in Kearny Mesa). Bracher was trying to decide whether to continue cutting away parts of the art, leaving only the sections of the composition under see-through panels made from old computer screens, or to simply stop chopping and leave more of the original intact. Bracher’s a community-college arts teacher who’s constantly pushing his students to view art as an exploration rather than a final product. To help make his point, he sometimes walks by their work and purposely pours coffee on it, prodding them to keep going despite the setback. “I’m always telling my students not get too wrapped up in the work they do,” he says. “Let it be something where you kind of play and move on.”

Bracher eventually saw the hypocrisy in his hesitation to discard parts of his own work. He kept cutting, but he compromised and found more computer screens to incorporate, thereby leaving more of the original composition alone. The effect is stunning. The screens distort the images behind them, making it look as if they’re constantly moving or shifting and forcing the viewer to step up close and move away in order to make sense of it. Bracher’s piece is at home among the other dynamic work in the show. Artists like Dan Allen, Bret Barrett, Angella d’Avignon, Alexander Jarman and Richard Gleaves were asked by guest curator Susan Myrland (a CityBeat contributor) to use elements such as color, light, sound and movement to examine ideas of temptation, attraction, repulsion, deception, satisfaction and satiation. The resulting conceptual work is interesting and demands that the audience engage with each piece in order to figure out exactly how the 24 artists responded to the exhibition’s underlying question, “What captivates you?”

“Art is never an answer,” Bracher says, stepping back to gaze up at his dizzying piece. “It always needs to be a question.”

Video Projection at San Diego International Airport

Good News From The Finish

Three Channel Projection on Translucent Panels- Video Drawing


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San Diego Airport Art Program


April 2012

Great Lakes Drawing Biennial - Eastern Michigan University

Strike - Video Drawing

Three Channel Video Installation - Experimental Drawing - Side Channels - Images Fragment - middle channel is strikes only. Video screens embedded in 15" Plaster Pins


Great Lakes Drawing Biennial

Eastern Michigan University


April 2010